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Israel Office
NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education, Room 267
Hebrew University, Mt Scopus
Jerusalem, Israel 91905
Tel 972 2 5882 208
Fax 972 2 5813 264

​​Washington DC Headquarters
2055 L Street  Suite 650
Washington, DC 20036
Tel 202 296 2588

​​​About Us

Here's a short video about NCJW ---->

​​​​       The National Council of Jewish Women is a volunteer organization that has been at the forefront of social change for over a century — championing the needs of women, children, and families — while courageously taking a progressive stance on such issues as child welfare, women’s rights, and reproductive freedom.  

        We were founded as the first national association of Jewish women in 1893 by Hannah G. Solomon, a social reformer and important organizer who reached across boundaries of religious conviction at the local, national, and international levels.  

​        That pioneering spirit continues to this day. Informed by Jewish values — and our understanding that these values have universal appeal — the National Council of Jewish Women is nothing less than the voice of, the place where women from across society come together to make the world at large and their communities, in particular, a better place.

        NCJW embraces women of diverse backgrounds and temperaments, thinkers and doers, who want to play a part at the local, national, and even global level.  Yet, all who come to NCJW share this: a belief that progressive ideals put into action can improve the world. NCJW is the most potent, most effective, most satisfying place where you can take that action and become a positive force for change.